Thursday, February 9, 2017

Beauty & The Beast | Final Trailer and More {100th Post}

This is RaniiDaiFashion (E.W.)'s 100th post! On a whim of reminiscence, I decided to blog a bit today. I didn't know it would be the one hundredth post; it seems impossible. In fact, I never dared to look so far forward as to guess I would be typing on this blog in 2017, either.

Beauty and The Beast is coming out in less than a month. I cannot remember when I was last so excited for a film- and that's not just because Emma stars in it. It is because of the masterpiece I hope it to be, and because of the wonder and inspiration it will help me to feel. 

The final trailer gave me chills. You can watch it here: Trailer 

Along with that, there are moving picture posters of the characters on the IMDB page which look as if they are breathing magic. And, a behind the scenes set visit from Disney Channel that you can watch here: Set Visit 
Finally, you can watch the cast answer questions in their Facebook Live Chat here: Live Chat 

I am so excited for this tale as old as time. Are you?



  1. I completely agree!'s just...well....I don't.


  2. I would completely of course........It's just....well.....I won't.

    -Agravaine ...again
